Feeling foxy? I am. I don’t know what it is about the fox that’s so appealing. He’s crafty, conniving, cunning and somewhat elusive. Even so, I can’t stop pinning images of foxes to my newest Pinterest board.
For this wonderful little pattern designed by Matsutake, I chose a brown and white polka-dot flannel for the body and off-white felt for the ears, chin and tip of the tail. Eyes and nose are black felt, hand sewn on with matching thread. Pupils are a few stitches of white embroidery thread. I printed the pages out at 130% for a 9” tall fox.
Project notes: This pattern is fairly simple. However, you need to be careful with the seams. The pattern is cut on the lines you trace. I tend to prefer cutting outside the lines leaving a seam allowance of my choice and then sew on the traced lines. While I was stuffing the tail, I managed to tear the fabric near the opening. A larger seam allowance might have prevented this. The tail is also a bit top heavy, so I’ve gently stitched it to the back of the fox so it stays up (see top picture). This creates a tripod effect that allows him to stand on his own.
Have fun!