I was sitting on the window seat in the kitchen next to a bag of paper recycling, thinking of a project to entertain the kids. It was one of those thick, sideways shopping bags with a rope handle. I dumped the bag out onto the floor and let them play with the mess while I quietly opened their craft drawer.
It seemed like a duct tape sort of day. I chose green, pink and a paint splotch pattern. Without a plan, I removed the rope handle and rolled up the paper bag. I grabbed the green duct tape, ripped several square-ish pieces off and stuck them on my pant leg. As I started to apply the tape to the rolled-up bag, Annabel caught on and wanted to help. It didn't take long to cover the bag. To me, it resembled a stem. Thinking I had a plan, Annabel wanted to know what to do next. I wasn’t sure, so I asked her to wait and see.
I drew a large petal shape on a cereal box, cut it out, and traced it to make four more. Then I did the same for the two leaves. I taped the blank cardboard leaves to the stem first, with one long strip across the front from leaf to leaf and one on the back. We covered the attached leaves with more green duct tape. We started taping the petals with pink before taping them onto the top of the stem, then wound up taping more onto the petals to hide the other tape and stabilize them. Three crossed pieces of washi tape went across the center of the flower and then a circle cut out of the paint splotched duct tape became the middle.
I cleaned up the tape job a bit with a few larger pieces, and we were done! I suspect that the next one will have to be purple...
Happy May Day!