To make this cute, low-sew pig softie square you will need:
This free pdf
Linen - 5 1/2 x 5 1/2" squares (cut 2)
Scraps of grass green, light pink and dark pink cotton
Black fabric marker (I use a Marvy fine point by Uchida)
Steam-A-Seam2 double stick fusible web
Light box or window for tracing
Disappearing ink marker
Step 1: Cut the two squares of linen. Set aside.
Step 2: Download and print the free pdf.
Step 3: Cut a scrap of light pink large enough for the head, dark pink for the legs, body, snout and ears, and green large enough for the grass. Peel one side of fusible web off (the side that comes off more easily) and stick the fusible web to the fabric.
Step 4: Use a light box or a sunny window. With the disappearing ink marker, place the pdf under the fabric and fusible web and trace the head, ears, snout, body, legs and grass onto the fabric. I made the legs a bit longer and created two sets of legs instead of four individual legs, which helps with placement later and gives you the necessary room to tuck the legs under the body.
Step 5: Cut the shapes out of the web-backed fabric.
Step 6: Peel the paper backing off the snout and align in on the face. You can place the pieces on top of the pdf for placement. Press with iron to adhere. Place the pdf back under the head and snout, and carefully draw the eyes and mouth with the black fabric marker. It's helpful to test the marker on a piece of scrap first. I found that the marker bled a little bit on the thin pink cotton fabric but fared better on the linen when I drew the tail. I was sure to use the fabric marker before ironing all parts of the pig down in case the lettering didn't go well and I needed to make another pink body oval. Don't forget to paint the hooves black!
Step 7: Peel the backing off the rest of the pieces. Place the oval body down first. Tuck the tops of the legs under the body just slightly, then place the head on top, slightly overlapping the body. The ears can overlap the head a little bit. I tucked the strip of grass in between the feet to add depth. The back feet are tucked behind the grass and the front feet are on top of the grass. Note that I left enough room around the grass so that it wasn't sewn into the seam.
Step 8: Press. Draw the tail by hand with the fabric marker. You can use the disappearing marker first if you would like to.
Step 9: Right sides facing, sew around the square with a 3/8" seam allowance, leaving a 2" opening on the bottom. Clip corners, turn and press. Stuff, blind stitch the opening shut and enjoy your pig!
Project notes:
A) If you don't have a disappearing marker, you can use a regular pen or pencil and work in reverse by flipping the pdf and tracing onto the less sticky paper side of the fusible web (the one that is removed first) instead of tracing directly onto the fabric.
B) You could embroider the black areas on the pig. Or use a combination of marker and embroidery.
I have additional low-sew, appliquéd animal softie squares in the works, so stay tuned!!
xo Karin