There was a potluck at Annabel’s school on Friday. We gave each of the eight teachers a gift we’d made together (check back on Wednesday for a Craft with Kids how-to). Annabel gave me the Mother’s Day present they’d made at school and I LOVE it. It was a total fluke that it matched what I was wearing.
This bead and pipe cleaner bracelet is a great project for kids. One of the teachers had gone to a local flea market and found jars upon jars of large plastic beads. The kids strung long pipe cleaners with the bright-colored beads, and the teachers wrapped the ends together, leaving the bracelet big so moms could get them on. I took it a step further and put a tiny piece of duct tape over the closure (pipe cleaner ends can stab!). To tighten, I simply pinch the back side so the bracelet fits my wrist, twist the part that sticks out into a little loop and bend it to the inside. Perfect!
Thank you to Annabel’s teachers and to Annabel for a terrific Mother’s Day gift from school!
HAVE A TERRIFIC MOTHER’S DAY!! Tomorrow I'll be posting what we made my mother, a k a Grammy. :)
xxoo Karin
PS - One of the cats kindly threw up in my studio for Mother’s Day. My little homemade gift from them. They’re so thoughtful. I did not take a picture.