For July's do. Good Stitches blocks for Harmony Circle, Jemellia chose to do black and white strip pieced blocks based on this tutorial. Sewing to a blank piece of paper didn't feel quite right to me, so I added lines.
I trimmed a piece of Carol Doak's 8.5 x 11" Foundation Paper to an 8.5" square and used small pieces of masking tape to affix it to the grid on my cutting mat. Our strips were to be between .75" and 3" so I randomly spaced the lines.
The only other 'rule' was that the center strip had to be black. I wrote B's and W's on the paper so I'd know where to start, cut a bunch of black and white fabric strips and had fun putting these blocks together quickly.
These would be fun to with colored strips, too. Annabel suggested. . . wait for it. . . purple. I'm wondering how red and white would look, or maybe Scandinavian-inspired Christmas colors like the ones I used for this bird ornament.
I need to rip the paper off and get these in the mail. There's only one more deadline to meet this month and then I can start on my August to-do list!